Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirit

Jesus did a lot of incredible miracles but one of the most amazing had to be the time he drove thousands of demons out of one man. He had spent years plagued by this multitude of demons. He lived in a cave, went around without clothes, and cut himself with broken pieces of pottery. He was feared and despised and destined to live out the rest of his miserable days alone. That is, until he encountered Jesus. With one simple command, Jesus drove the demons out of the man and into a nearby herd of pigs. Jesus then told the man to go back to his hometown and tell everyone what God had done for him. And that’s just what he did. We have a real Enemy – the devil and his demons. The devil opposes God and wants nothing more than to wreak havoc among God’s people. But the devil is not God’s equal. God is far more powerful. We have nothing to fear because God is on our side. 


Jesus Calms the Storm


Jesus Feeds The 5000